Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Driving With Animals- Billy Collins

by Elsa Rottjers 

I think the poem is about innocence and the loss of innocence. In many cultures and traditions the deer is a symbol for innocence. “and rock to sleep in the bow and lift of antlers” this can be a comparison to a baby being rocked to sleep. “I feed cassettes into the dash” this personification can represent growing, because you feed something so that it can grow, and with growth comes change.

The poem has a simple structure, and free verse which fits to the child like aspect, but the poem also has long sentences which contrast against the child like theme which shows the loss of innocence. When you’re a child everything is so simple, but as you grow life becomes more complicated and it needs more information and detail to shown.

Although in other traditions the deer is a symbol for “passing through life with ease” so this could make other readers portray the poem as a poem about the journey though life. “but there is no red needle to indicate deer” this could mean that there are no signs in life showing you what to do or what dissensions to make.

To conclude I really like this poem, because I can relate to it. I remember being on long drives as a kid staring out the window at the clouds or looking for animals in the forest through the trees, and now I've noticed since I'm older I'm not doing that as much as I used to, so as I “lost my innocence” I lost my wild imagination too.


  1. I like the way you related your own childhood experience. It makes one feel inclined to do the same and understand the poem more!!!!!!

  2. I like your interpretation Elsa. Simple, fresh and clear. As mentioned in our tutorial, don't take Collins too seriously. Although he might disagree with me. There is too little AO2 content. Next time! But thanks! Enjoyed reading this. Mrs D
